Naturism for the family can be an all out domestic affair, or something
practiced only in recreational form. But it is most common that once a family
embraces natural living, it will encompass the entire domestic scene and the
true benefits of Naturism in the home can be seen. Some who have approached
nudism from a purely recreation angle find their children overcome by peer
influence at puberty, sending them back to a negative self-image. Naturism in
the home secures that peer pressure from a culture deluged in negative attitudes
about the body will have less impact on the child, and likewise on the family.
There's that "running around" thing again!
Naturist families are not comprised of kooks who get some weird thrill out
of being naked in front of others, or who seek to corrupt the minds of their
children with sexual immorality, as many would assume or assert. Such
assumptions arise from the disturbed notion that anything related to being naked
must be something sexual, exhibitionistic, erotic or questionable.
The fact of the matter is, it is unhealthy
to avoid exposing children to what "really is", leaving them ignorant or
partially informed with fairy tales, the say-so of equally ignorant peers and
their own conjectures. It is equally negligent to assume that talks, picture
books and lessons in school are adequate educators about the natural state of
the human being, its functions and purposes. Even the most forthright parent who
takes the step to "show and tell" has walked away convinced their child "knows,"
when studies prove they do not retain the knowledge very long at all and
eventually turn to peers for more information and enlightenment.
Naturist families represent a growing class of
super-educators who, through something as primal and simple as popping a few
buttons and loosening a few straps, enhance a child's life and awareness of his
or her own humanity light years beyond the society around them. Through Naturism
in the home, children arrive at naturally non-judgmental attitudes about the
bodies of others and themselves. If the Naturist environment is consistent, they
are less inclined to participate in dirty-joke telling, or verbally abusing
others who are different from themselves. They experience far less influence
from peers who would otherwise guide them into misunderstanding and assumption
about extremely important issues; undergo very little or by-pass altogether the
typical (and assumed to be "normal") adolescent anxiety associated with puberty;
grow up free from absurd and useless shame and embarrassment about their own
bodies and what is natural. Ultimately, Naturist children encounter a home
atmosphere of trust and openness which carries with it an inherently natural
cohesion more suited to their strong needs for physical warmth and affection.
Naturism for the family can be an all out
domestic affair, or something practiced only in recreational form. But it is
most common that once a family embraces natural living, it will encompass the
entire domestic scene and the true benefits of Naturism in the home can be seen.
Some who have approached nudism from a purely recreation angle find their
children overcome by peer influence at puberty, sending them back to a negative
self-image. Naturism in the home secures that peer pressure from a culture
deluged in negative attitudes about the body will have less impact on the child,
and likewise on the family.
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